Monday, August 8, 2016

[memory #02] Monsta X 1st Live: X - Clan Origins

Hello world!

Dalam rangka menghitung mundur fanmeeting Monsta X yang tinggal lima hari lagi, hari ini saya mau mengenang konser pertamanya dedek-dedek kesayangan di Blue Square Samsung Card Hall bulan lalu ^^
Suasana beberapa saat menjelang gate dibuka. Nyesel banget langsung masuk
begitu gate dibuka karena ternyata Kihyun dan Jooheon sempat keluar sebentar
untuk syuting V app. Kzl.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

[Korean study #04] Belajar apa di Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea UI?

Hello world!

Banyak yang penasaran apakah di Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea UI cuma belajar bahasa Korea doang atau gimana. Iya sih, bahasa Korea memang jadi yang paling utama, tapi kita juga belajar tentang yang lain-lain kok. Secara garis besar, di BKK UI kita akan belajar tentang Kemampuan Bahasa, Linguistik, Sastra, Budaya, dan Sejarah.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

[memory #01] Batik in Myeongdong

Hello world!

Hari Minggu pekan lalu saya pergi ke Myeongdong untuk beli sepatu karena sneakers saya kondisinya semakin memprihatinkan. Sebenarnya Myeongdong bukan tempat yang direkomendasikan buat belanja barang-barang murah sih karena harganya jauh lebih mahal dibandingkan tempat-tempat lain. Tapi karena yah sneakers yang bagus (versi saya: solnya empuk alias memory foam) walaupun diskon juga harganya nggak akan murah-murah banget. Di samping itu, sudah lama saya nggak jalan ke Myeongdong, jadilah sore itu saya berangkat ke Myeongdong naik bus 261. Coba-coba rute baru, bosen naik kereta terus transfer ke line-4 di Dongdaemun melulu.

Sampai di Myeongdong, saya disambut dengan lautan manusia. Iyalah, hari kerja aja Myeongdong pasti ramai, apalagi hari Minggu sore, di musim panas yang banyak diskon pula. Penuh banget nget nget di semua toko. Setelah sukses beli sepatu yang cocok di kaki saya (dan ternyata nggak diskon, sedih), saya iseng jalan-jalan ke Uniqlo yang letaknya persis di seberang exit 5 Stasiun Myeongdong. Uniqlo ini besar sekali dan sangat mencolok, jadi sering digunakan sebagai tempat janjian ketemuan oleh orang-orang.

Saya teringat info dari teman di grup KakaoTalk (iya, kalau di Korea nggak pakai grup WA), kalau Hana Tajima for Uniqlo sudah dijual di Korea juga. Buru-buru saya ke lantai 2 tempat baju perempuan, eh taunya malah disambut oleh baju ini.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

[living as Muslim #02] Muslim praying room in Kyung Hee University

Hello world!

Continuing the last post in [living as Muslim] category, this post is still about praying room. The university I go to, Kyung Hee University, is apparently one of the few universities who provide praying room exclusive for Muslim. This praying room has been opened since 2012, but I only knew about its whereabouts earlier this year, sigh.

Unfortunately, it is not opened for everybody, only for students who had their student ID card registered before. But if you are lucky enough, some eligible students often keep the door open after using it so you can use the room. The praying room is located in Neo Renaissance Building, B2 floor, Room B204-4.

Neo Renaissance Building 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

[Korean study #03] Saya nggak bisa bahasa Korea, bagaimana peluang masuk BKK UI?

Hello world!

Salah satu pertanyaan yang sering sekali saya terima adalah "Saya tidak bisa bahasa Korea, bagaimana peluang masuk BKK UI?", "Saya tidak bisa bahasa Inggris, apakah saya tidak bisa masuk BKK UI?"

Kepada teman-teman yang mengirimkan pertanyaan ini, saya mau tanya dulu, sebenarnya teman-teman sudah pernah mencari tahu ujian perguruan tinggi negeri itu seperti apa atau belum?

Di Indonesia, dalam ujian perguruan tinggi negeri, hanya ada tiga kelompok bidang tes: Kemampuan Dasar, IPA, dan IPS. Kalau menurut istilah website resmi SBMPTN: Tes Kemampuan dan Potensi Akademik (TKPA), Tes Kemampuan Dasar Sains dan Teknologi (TKD Saintek), dan Tes Kemampuan Dasar Sosial dan Humaniora (TKD Soshum).

Thursday, July 7, 2016

[Korean study #02] Belajar di BKK UI pakai bahasa apa?

Hello world!

Masih tentang Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea UI.

Tahun 2010 pas saya mulai kuliah di BKK UI, situasinya ada lebih banyak dosen asli Korea dibanding dosen Indonesia. Walaupun semua bisa bahasa Indonesia pasif, tetapi tidak semuanya memiliki kemampuan bahasa Indonesia aktif yang baik. Jadi kebanyakan komunikasi ya melalui bahasa Korea. Ada juga yang walaupun bahasa Indonesia aktifnya bagus, tetapi sengaja tidak mau pakai bahasa Indonesia kalau sedang mengajar.

Lho terus bagaimana belajarnya? Saya kan nggak ngerti bahasa Korea sama sekali, bahkan nggak bisa baca Hangeul!

Monday, July 4, 2016

[living as Muslim #01] Mushalla at COEX Convention Center

Hello world!

One of the biggest challenge of being a Muslim in a Muslim-minority country is to find a praying room. Looking for masjid has been proven to be a difficult task; many times we have to be satisfied with a decent space to do our praying. Fortunately, as South Korea has been preparing themselves to attract more Muslim tourists, the government start to pay accommodate Muslim's basic needs such as praying room.

On March 2016, COEX Convention Center, one of the biggest and busiest convention center in Seoul has opened a praying room specially designated for Muslim. I went there few months ago. It doesn't provide you with space to do Wudu, but there's toilet located near the Mushalla so you can do Wudu easily.

The map of COEX Convention Center (3F).
The Mushalla is located on the 3rd floor, right behind Hall E.
If you happen to visit COEX Mall, or SM Atium, make sure you go to COEX Convention Center first. These buildings are connected, but they are not the same building.

Friday, July 1, 2016

[Korean study #01] Apa sih prospek lulusan jurusan Sastra Korea?

Hello world!

Harus saya akui bahwa penarik traffic terbesar di blog ini adalah post tentang Sastra Korea. Banyak juga yang meninggalkan komentar di beberapa post di blog ini maupun pesan di akun media sosial saya yang lain, yang bertanya seputar jurusan Sastra Korea. Karena itu, inilah dia, post terbaru saya tentang Sastra Korea ^^

Patut diingat, jurusan yang sering disebut Sastra Korea ini kalau di UI nama resminya Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea. Jadi nggak cuma belajar tentang sastra doang. Mengenai belajarnya tentang apa saja akan saya bahas di post mendatang. Kali ini saya mau bahas mengenai pertanyaan nomor satu yang pasti ditanyakan ke mahasiswa jurusan Sastra Korea (dan sastra lainnya): kalau sudah lulus, prospek kerjanya gimana?

Thursday, June 30, 2016

[entertainment #01] Lovely Lovey!

Hello world!

I bet most of you thought I'm gonna write about Jooyoung again for my first [entertainment] post (because myself thought so too hohoho). However, since Lovey's first mini album is released today, I decided to write about her.

24 album cover
I knew Lovey because this younger sister of Brother Su was also another RealCollabo's gems (that I discovered very late). She has been featured by numerous rappers and singers since 2011, but she officially debuted in 2013 with her brother's composed song, 돌려줘 (Return). Her soft voice is one of the voice types I fond of. If you are more into Jooyoung's old songs compared to his newest releases, I think you'd like Lovey's latest release.


Hello world!

Uh oh, I have never posted anything since the year turned into 2016...

I met one of my favorite authors Sinta Yudisia few weeks ago in Seoul. We talked about many things starting from my thesis to the importance of writing. She gave me a lot of meaningful advice, and one of it was to blog again. So here I am, trying to revive MAX Power! ^^

I plan to categorize my upcoming posts to these:
[memory] - anything related to daily life or anything happened in the past
[travel] - places I went to or want to go to
[entertainment] - spazzing about Kpop or anything that come into my mind
[learning from TV] - something I learned or things I note down when I watch reality show
[living as Muslim] - information, tips or my stories related to living as a Muslim in Korea
[인도네시아 소개] - this is my ambition; I want to write Indonesia-related things in Korean
[Korean literary] - my other ambition; I want to challenge my ability to understand Korean literature by introducing Korean stories/poets/novels I learned in classes
[Korean study] - this will include topics such as Bahasa Korea dan Kebudayaan UI, KGSP, and my study now

Initially I plan to force myself to write a post every day but it sounds like too much... I think three to four posts a week is acceptable.

I don't know if anyone is still reading this blog, but if you are - please watch over my transformation! :) I want to revamp the design too but since I am still as clueless as ever about coding and design, I guess I have to be satisfied with revamping contents first.

Till next post!